Weatherby Lake Nature Trail
Christhaven Park, Weatherby Lake, Missouri
The McPherson Nature Trail is dedicated to Eagle Scout Brandon McPherson, Firebuilder Blue Bull Shark in the Tribe of
the Mic-O-Say, from his family, friends and fellow Scouts. He started the nature trail as part of his Eagle service
project and his family and friends completed the project.
Brandon's life was lost tragically in an automobile accident
but his zest for life carries on through this trail which is the completion of his Eagle Scout project.
The original
625 foot trail was completed in 2001 and has been expanded and improved by five additional eagle projects from Troop
395 scouts and volunteers. The three sets of stairs, benches, and landscaping are all part of those projects.
In 2010 the trail was doubled in size by the Boy Scouts for a centennial project.
The trail is located in Christhaven
Park on the south end of Roberts Road in the City of Weatherby Lake. You can Google Maps 7744 NW Roberts
Road, Weatherby Lake, MO 64152
Google Map 7744 NW Roberts Road |